- Sunday, October 2, 2010
- I updated my "WHAT I DID THIS WEEK" thing. It was behind.
- Wednesday, October 20, 2010
- I have not done anything on the sites for a few days.
- My update blog is a month behind...again, and some other stuff.
- So, tomorrow I'm going to do a massive update.
- I'm going to bring things up-to-date, and test new stuff. See you then.
- Thursday, October 21, 2010
- Ok, here's the plan. I'll start with update the stuff.
- Then, I'll work on the hover text and then back-up everything.
- I copy the HTML codes onto my flash drive.
- So, if my site crashes, I'll have all the pages backed up.
- Well, it's the end of the day...and I've gone NOTHING!
- All I was able to do was add the word TEST to the links in the pop-out bar.
- We had internet problems and stuff. Sad face.
- Saturday, October 23, 2010
- I decided to do the update thing last. I backed up all my pages.
- I'll start on the hover text next.
- Wednesday, October 27, 2010
- FINALLY!!! A week of fixing and internet problems, but it's done.
- I completed the hover text for the pop-out menu.
- I also changed some other stuff on the main site. I made it more professional.
- Tomorrow I will work on my update blog. I have to finish it by Monday.
- Friday, October 29, 2010
- I got distracted by Youtube's new widget. I put them all over the site. Example below.
- Saturday, November 6, 2010
- I changed my "WHAT I'M DOING" site again.
- I made so I wouldn't be behind if I didn't do anything with it.
- CLICK HERE to check it out.
- Sunday, November 7, 2010
- My next project is to go through and try to my some links open into a new tab/window.
- Like, those links that lead you away from the main site, they will open in a new tab/window.
- Then, you can always have the main site open, if you need to go back.
- Monday, November 8, 2010
- I finished the open in a new tab....thing. I had problems with it, and our internet.
- Saturday, November 13, 2010
- My next update will be on the MY PROFILES page on the main site.
- I have already worked on make them open into new tabs.
- But some of the links did not go to a profile.
- So, tomorrow I'll try to fix the problem. Then add some hover text to the pictures, too.
- Sunday, November 14, 2010
- I didn't have a lot time to work on those things from yesterday.
- I'm starting on them now.
- I'm also planned on make random stuff open into a new tab.
- It will mostly be stuff on the home page, and maybe the scrolling news bar.
- Monday, November 15, 2010
- I finished the profile page tune up.
- Friday, November 19, 2010
- I have been looking at my profiles, I think I'll try to add some more to the list.
- Saturday, December 4, 2010
- I noticed that the titles in the scrolling bar did nothing.
- So, I turned them into links and stuff.
- Now, almost everything is clickable in the srolling news bar.
- Saturday, December 18, 2010
- I have another new project. I will re-do my popout menu in a new style.
- I had to change the main HTML of the whole site!!
- It is proving to be the hardest thing I have done.
- I finally got it to work. I have it on my test site, go take a look.
- Sunday, December 19, 2010 (in the A.M)
- The new menu wasn't working. But it was an easy fix.
- I found out that neither my old menu or my new menu work in Firefox.
- The new on works, but only to wordds show up, and not the colors or the animations.
- I tried to fix it, but I can't figure it out. Sorry Firefox users.
- Sunday, December 19, 2010 (in the P.M)
- I don't know what happend, but the new menu works in Firefox now.
- I took and break for a few hours and it was working when I got back...weird.
- I am finding out new and cool things the new menu can do.
- I realized that once it's done, I won't even need a website.
- Everything could be accessed from the menu itself.
- I'm not rushing to get the new menu done.
- Even thought the old one doesn't work in Firefox.
- I have other pages I need to add to it that I need to create on my sites.
- I am planning on finishing it just in time for a New Years Day release.
- Tuesday, Decmeber 21, 2010
- I added even more things to this menu. Like videos...yea, VIDEOS!
- I think, after 2 weeks full of coding and editing, it is done.
- I'm going to go through and fix any typos and other errors.
- Wednesday, December 22, 2010
- While making new pages on this site for my new menu, I noticed the links were wrong.
- In the past changes sections. So, I fixed them.
- I found some other things that I could add to the menu.
- Friday, December 24, 2010
- You can CLICK HERE to see it, or wait til I put it on the main on 1-1-11.
- Friday, December 31, 2010 (11:59 p.m)
- It's almost time!!!