CLICK HERE to go back to the past changes "MONTHS" menu.

September 1, 2012

V.8.7- This was another big update. Not that big though. Here's what I did:
  • I updated some links in the menu and other things in there.
  • I changed around the footer of the main site.
  • I updated the other sites and fixed some bugs.
  • I added an RSS list of my blog posts in the side bar.
  • And lastly, the big thing...I added a new video player. Two actually. One for my  videos and one for The Fathers. And I was also able to add it to the menu!!! In our video sections under "All Videos". I does have the some menu overlay issue like my other video players in the menu.
September 8, 2012
  • V.8.7.7982-I updated a few things. Re-did some favicons. Changed some hover colors in the menu. I made the sub-menus change to a dark gray so it's easier to tell where you're at.
September 18, 2012
V.9.0- This was another big update. It focused on my pictures. Here's what I did:
  • Most of the changes where in the "PHOTO STUFF" section in the menu, because I'm expanding my photography, I added new things.
  • While I was at it, I added this: 321JAP123
                                                 Create Your Badge
  • So, there was a lot of Facebook stuff. And this links to my fan page, which actually isn't where I'm uploading all of this. It is hard for me to have to switch back and forth everything I do something.
    • All these Facebook things are in the sidebar, which I moved things around.
  • Anyways, all these new things even goes right in the menu!!
    • It looks a bit weird...but it works.
      • You can find there profile badge in the "MY PROFILES" sections under the Facebook logo.
  • I started uploading daily photos of random thing because people wanted it. 
    • They are under "DAILY PHOTOS" are in a new section under "PHOTO STUFF".
  • Then, I added a new slideshow feature.
    • Just do to any photo album in the menu and a slideshow link should pop up.
      • There was an option to embed them into the menu, but it just didn't work.
        • The show pop up behind the menu. You couldn't see a thing.
  • I re-did the POTW section in the menu.
  • And the last thing, since I was in the menu, was that I changed the "NEW/OLD MENU STUFF" to "NEW MENU INFO". It makes the space of the tab smaller and more uniform.
The updates just keep getting better. Literally, my site is getting longer in size and loading. When I had that update videos at the top of the site, I hated it. It took up room. I was happy when I took it out. It was less cluttered. I like it like that. But now, it's not cluttered, it's just longer. The loner it gets equals more post that I I have to show to balance it out. The bottom of the last post and the last thing in the side bar line up. I make it line up by changing the posts that are shown. Anyways, that's still a lot to load. I mean, look at this site. This Site loads in less than a second!! My main site takes nine seconds!!! One my fast computer!! Most of it is my menu though. It's code got to 26 pages long after this update. I'm feeling good about this though. The more content I add means the more my main site is turning into what it should be, the main HUB of me.

September 23, 2012
  • I did a little check up. Just seeing if things are still working. They are. I am having a tiny issue with the "MY PROFILES" section in the menu. I'm looking in to it.
September 26, 2012
  • V.9.1- So, I'm still working on the "MY PROFILES" section. But while I was at it, I changed the names of most of the site sections. Like the menu is now called "THE MAGNIFICENT MENU". I also added something hidden.
September 28, 2012
  • V.9.1.5- I think I fixed the "MY PROFILES" section. It might be tricking me into thinking it's fixed. My site does that. It has a mind of it's own. I also expanded the Facebook Badge in my side bar.
October 3, 2012
  • V.9.1.6345- There isn't anything new on the main site...yet. This update was all on the TEST SITE. If you go there,things are going crazy. I'm going to try to get all those features added in. This was just a test to see if the worked. I'm preparing them, I guess. When I add a feature to the main site, it's removed from the test site. So you can know what's added and was still in the works.
October 6, 2012
  • V.9.1.6722- I unsuccessfully tried to add new things... Sad face. Over on the TEST SITE I have this new virtual keyboard. You launch it with a button. Today, I went through to adding it to the main site. It worked out fine. I was able to add the button above the BACK TO TOP arrow the fades in when you scroll down my site. It worked. You could click on it and it launched perfectly. But...the problem was...I have no place to type on my site. Comments and the Search bar are the on'y things. And when I tried to type in them with the wouldn't type. So, it was a big waste of time. Oh, maybe I'll get it to work some day. I didn't try to add anything else from the test site. The other things are still under development. Mostly off site, too.
October 12, 2012
  • V.9.5- So I added some small things. Here's what I did:
    • I noticed some of the things on my site had a loading picture. Well, words. So I added this Loading... Just a little extra thing that I wanted to add and I though it was cool.
    • Then, I did some changes to MY BLOG. Add some new things in the sidebar. Just make sure you aren't in Internet Explorer when you visit won't load. Well, at least for me.
    • I disabled my mobile site for my main site a while ago, but I never removed it from the menu. So, I did. I ,might add it back though. Since my main site has changed and doesn't have the same welcome page.
    • Speaking of the old Welcome page, I re-did it. Just for fun. It'snow just like an information page about the site layout. I going to make the home page of the site for a day. Click here to check it out. I also moved to the INFO section in the menu. Under Main Stuff.
    • I added more helpful tips in the Better Way to View section at the top of the site.
    • I made the VOTW picture in the side bar animate again. It was broken.
    • Moving on, I changed some things around...again. I changed to words above every blog post because I added a new feature that the new words link you to. Well, it's an old feature, and I have it for my blog post on the main site, but whatever. It's an Archive list of the Main Site posts. So you can quick do through my Daily Photo posts and what-not. I had to put it at the bottom though. It takes up a lot room. Now my site is really long. That's still a lot to load.
    • I think that's it. I can't remember. :)
October 18, 2012
  • V.9.6.3245- Just a little update. 
    • I changed somethings around again. I took the "Share with the Peeps" section in the side bar and move to underneath every post. Blogger has the option and I have it turned on to show up underneath every post, but their thing wouldn't show up. So, I did it myself. :-) And it wasn't working in the side bar and I didn't notice. It works now. And so, I had change the words in the Layout Info page so the arrow isn't pointing to nothing. It's all good now. I'm actually really happy about it. I helps you, the Peeps, share the posts in a better way. Instead of copying URLs.
    • Then, 6 hours later, I added the share button back to the side bar. But I changed it around so that it shares the Main Site URL, not the posts URL. So you can just share the whole site!!
    • Then at the same time, I added it to the menu. Under "MAIN STUFF".
October 21, 2012
  • V.9.6.7667- This is just one of those secret updates. Just some things in the background. Also, I'm bringing back the MY PHOTOS MENU and it's pages. You can still see what it looked like on my old site, before I deleted it during the Super June Update. Go look at the test site as well.
October 22, 2012
  • V.10.0- Welcome to 10!!! It's not that big though. It was big enough to get to 10 though. Here's what I did:
    • The new Photo Menu page is done.
      • It's back and better than ever! With the same menu from my videos.
    • A revamped the sharing across all my sites.
      • There's a share button on site where I could put one.
        • It's either under the posts for the posts, or in the side bar...or both...or floating like on the main site.
    • I also add some floating quick links to some of my profiles.
      • It's a bit jumpy though...
    • I adjusted the SITE INFO PAGE. I has no more arrows pointing to places. Just words.
    • Lastly, I fixed some typos in the menu and the sites.
  • I can't remember if I did anything else. I was half tired went I did all this.
October 26, 2012
  • V.10.0.1034- Well, once again, I failed. I tried to add a new Facebook comment section on all the posts. Like I did with the Share button. It didn't work. You can only do one URL. In the share buttons, I put data:post.url for the URL and it worked so that it would be on each post and have the correct link of the post. But, Facebook didn't like that as the URL. So, I'll have to do more testing. I also added more words to the Site Homepage.
October 28, 2012
  • V.10.5
    • This is across all my sites. If you haven't noticed, the scroll bar on the site it different! It's my own custom scroll bar. I made it myself. Even though it do look like Google's own scroll bar, it's not. This one is all mine. I was able to add one to all the sites that I could. Basic the ones that don't have Bloggers Dynamic templates. I have always wanted to have my own scroll bar. It's not that important, but I wanted one. And it's cool. I'm running out of things to add to the sites. I think I have maxed them out with all the customization I do. This one had to be but directly in the site HTML. It was just a widget add on like everything in the side bar or at the bottom of the site. (By the way, at the bottom of the site is a widget that holds the codes for floating share buttons and the pop-ups you get when going to the Membership site.) So, that's really all I did for this update. I did test around with my two scroll news things. See what I could do to get a new change on the site. I basically found out that I have them maxed out too. Which is good. I want to have as much content as possible and have everything customized like scroll bars and what-not. I knew I would hit a wall eventually.
    • (A few minutes after this post) Apparently, the new scroll bars only work in Google Chrome. Oh, well. I only use Chrome and you should too. :-) I'll try to get it working in other browsers, but I won't try to hard. HAHA!
    • Also, one more thing. I added a new Help page. Go to it. It has a bunch of new info.
November 5, 2012
  • V.11.0- This was only for my blog. I redesigned the whole thing. Well...I gave it a new skin. The old skin was being weird and I couldn't customize it. (As in the site's codes. Like what I did with the new scroll bars.) So, I went back to a normal layout and I added a bunch of things. Go check it out!!!
November 11, 2012
  • V.11.6.3945- This was a little, but big update. But not that big. Here's what I did:
    • I re-vamped my Free Rider 2 Tracks site. It used a dynamic layout like my blog, and I was tired of it. Now, it's my only site on Blogger that uses white. :-) I wanted to be able to customize it. Like what I did for my blog.
    • I added some new share buttons.
    • I added a bunch of new things to my blog. Like my Facebook things on my main site and some other things. I even added some things that I might want to add to the main site.
    • I updated some background things and backed up things.
    • I made a new Back to Top arrow. It appears when you scroll. I also added it to a bundle of my sites. And it's all under the same code. So, if I make a change, it changes them all. Which, I like.
    • I changed some things on the Membership site. Mostly with the header of the site. It's smaller. I also was able to add the floating quick links are share buttons.
    • Lastly, I changed something you don't really notice. The copyright a the bottom of all my sites. I did an internal change that it will hopefully change the year every year. Without me having to do it. Last year, I had to go to all the sites and change the year myself. But, now I don't. There's some problems with it. It did make my floating buttons not work for a second. But, I think I solved that problem.
    • Everything seems to be working. I'm still looking and making sure things are ok. This was a good update. Things are going great.
November 24, 2012
  • V.11.7.1432- This was more of a preparation again. Not really an update. Over on the Test Site, there are loads of new things that I'm working on. There are some that will work, and some that need a bit of working out. And there were some that just didn't work at all. I slowly working on there things. Seeing where they can go on the main site, how will they work on the main site, will they beneficial to the main site. The basics. It's a hard thing to do by yourself. I also added some new details to the Help page. Mostly to the menu section. Go see what's new. Anyways, that about it.... OH!!! One more thing. If you haven't noticed, across all my's snowing. I added a snowing effect to them. It's cool!! A special thing for winter. The only place that doesn't have the snow is the main site. The main place that I wanted to snow. :-( When I added the snow, the site was laggy. It already is laggy. :-P So, it didn't want to compromise the functionality of the site. But use the menu to go anywhere else and see the snow falling. I got to go back to coding.
December 9, 2012
  • V.12!! Hey!! Welcome to 12. It's not anything too big. I wanted this to be at the end of the year as a New Year thing, but I worked to fast. :-P Here's what I did:
    • The big new thing is what I call the "Animated New Windows".
    • I put these all over the site. Mostly in the menu. Actually...only in the menu. 
      • Any video link that is in the menu (the Father episodes, my monthly updates, etc.) will play in this style. 
      • I wanted to put them in other places, but I didn't want to just block out Youtube video pages. It's like an extra way to get to my channel and subscribe. And it didn't work in some places. I have been working on it for a while. I guess it still needs testing.
    • Also in the menu, I added all the 2013 things. I'm just getting ready. I have everything all set up to automatically update. Like, my Update Blog. And I started to Monthly Updates 2013 section. 
    • And while adding all these things to the menu, I fixed some typos and coding glitches  I renamed a few things. But they aren't noticeable. I also added the calender back in under "MY STUFF". I disappeared for some reason.
    • And the last thing that involves the menu is that I changed some colors in it. Instead of a hover color of orange, it's not red. It looks cooler. There's no reason for the color change. I just wanted to. :-)
    • I added a new thing to the main site. A little bar that shows up at the top of the site. It's the new help page link. It was right in the middle of the top bold...and red. But I decided to change it a make this new bar thing. Of course I have some help with it though. Free codes!! YAY!
    • Moving on, there were some slight changes and updates here and there. Mostly getting ready for 2013. I'm changing how I post things on my Site Changes...Site. I'm don't it like I do on the Update blogs. By months. I used the archive menu to get the links for each month. So, when I post a new update, I'm name it like I do on the Main Site, and depending on what month it is, it'll go in that archive. It makes it so I don't have long posts. It's all short ones.
  • I think that's it. can never remember what I do because I do them to fast.
December 23, 2012
V.12.5.3423-Not a lot of changes are noticeable...except for one. Here's what I did:
  • I did some under the hood changes. Little tweaks here and there.
  • I re-designed most of the mobile sites. And I add a link to the mobile version of sites that have one. In case you didn't load into it. the link is either at the top, or the bottom of the site.
  • I wanted to add new favicons...but that failed. They are 16x16 and Blogger says that isn't a square...?
  • And lastly, I added some more Christmas decorations! And this one yet on all the site. It's LIGHTS! They are on the top of all my Blogger sites. Expect for the Main Site, in which they are on the bottom. I had to put them down there because of an issue that I cause with the floating things on the Main Site.
  • I think that's all. I need to keep track of what I do.
December 29, 2012
  • V.12.6.2231-Again, nothing big. When I changed the names and domains of my Update Blogs and the Free Rider tracks, I forgot to change them in the Main News...News. So, I did. And that's all I did for this update.


CLICK HERE to go back to the past changes "MONTHS" menu.

July 1, 2012

  • V.7.0.546-When through all my sites with a Blogger domain (.blogspot) and changed the favicons. You'll have to go to the main site to find all the sites.
July 2, 2012

  • V.7.1-I revamped this site, the Site Changes...Site. I added 2012 to the list and other things. I also made it easier to update the home page (withoth copy and paste) by adding the " On the HOME PAGE are the latest changes through out my sites.CLICK HERE to see the changes that happened in the past. " at the top. It's like what I did on my main site to use it as a blog...sort-of.
  • V.7.0.889-I also removed the red text that was at the top of this site that involved the Super June Update.
July 3, 2012
July 7, 2012
  • V.7.1.533-I added more links in the menu. In the MAIN STUFF part there is an INFORMATION spot. I added there new links in there the relate to getting more info including a post the I made about me on my blog.
  • V.7.2.005-I updated the UPDATES SITE. I added July 2012 for my section.
July 13, 2012
  • V.7.2.073-I did a little touch up here and there.
July 21, 2012
    • V.7.2.332-I realized that when I added 2012 updates on July 7th, I didn't add them to the menu. So, I did.
    August 1, 2012
    • V.7.2.499-I made a new gaming section in the menu under "Photo Stuff".
    • V.7.2.532-I added a new "Quick Access" section on this site. It's in the top right.
    August 10, 2012
    • V.8- So, there hasn't been any updates for awhile. That's because I was working on some new stuff. Well, it's the old stuff with a new skin. Here's what I did for the Big 8 Update:
      • I changed the image from my "back-to-top" button. If you never noticed it, it appears in the bottom right when you scroll down. I also refined it's code. I kind-of understand it now.
      • I finally was able to do something that I have been wanting to do for a while. I made a browser detection popup. Now, if you are in any version of Internet Explorer, you will see a message above the "Screen Width" message that will tell you to get a better browser. HAHA.
        • Speaking of that section, I named it "A Better Way to View" section.
      • Fixed a few bugs around the sites. Change some little things. Like this.
      • Then, I updated my back files and codes.
      • And lastly, I updated the menu.
        • I added the Monthly Updates into the "Updates" section in the menu.
        • Speaking of the "Updates" section, I changed it to "Update Blogs" and changed "Home Page" to "Home".
        • I added my Playstation Network ID's to the "Profiles" page and in the menu.
        •  I changed the whole layout. Well...just the font. 
          • I added a new .CSS code and changed a few things around. The new font makes it easier to read and it makes the tabs less compact. So, it's easier to mouse-over and access.
        • I also changed the arrows in the menu.
        • I also experimented with <iframe> things in the menu. Because when videos load in the menu, the menu overlaps the videos. It's weird. So I tried <iframe> video players. Lesson learned...NO <IFRAME> IN THE MENU! It freaks out. So, I was unable to solve the video player problem...Sorry.
    August 17, 2012
    • Well, it's been a week and things are going good. Nothing is broken. All the things that I changed and updated are still working. It's all good. I am having a weird issue with the menu though. In fact, the whole site. I would load it and the pictures in the "Scrolling News" aren't loaded. Or, the menu loads in basic format. And all I do to fix it is refresh the page. It's weird.
    August 24, 2012
    • Again. Things are going good.


    The following list are things that I want (and hope) to done on my websites over the next month. As I do them, the list will change colors below. RED=Not done, ORANGE=In the process and or working on it, YELLOW=Completed off site, but not added to the site yet, and GREEN=Done. Above all of this in the RED text details the updates and their order.
    Also, to help you see what I'm updating, their are various links down below. They are BOLD.
      • V.4.1.202-I changed the “CELEBRATING YEARS” picture.
      • V.4.3.547-I kind-of updated the Calendar.
      • V.4.4.392-I fixed the “Video Countdown”.
      • V.4.6.110-I had to remove the ARCADE.
      • V.4.7.745-I had to remove a lot of things. And there is nothing to add back.
      • V.4.8.267-I added an INFO SECTION.
      • V.4.9.665-I fixed the thumbnails on only the first page on videos.
      • I don’t know what else to do with this site. It’s not that broken or outdated.
      • V.5.4.938-I wanted to turn the main site into my main blog.
        • Before, I would add a new page and the have to re-do the home page so that it’s always on top. But, when I convert the post to pages, when I add a new page it won't affect the blog. And I’m bored of the Homepage. I do have blog already, and I was going to make another new one using Blogger. But, I don’t want to have a billion sites. I would like to have everything together.
        • But, really I was not able to do this. Blogger only allows 20 pages...I have 40. So instead, I hacked into my sites HTML code and added a link that shows up on every page that's right above the page title. It links the my blog. It says " On the Home Page is the latest post from my blog. CLICK HERE to see my whole blog and it past posts. " And so the plan behind all this is that I will post the most recent blog on my main site and you use the link to go see the rest. See, simple.
      • V.6.5.543-I removed the chatroom.
      • V.5.1.266-I Moved the FREE RIDER 2 TRACKS site to a new domain in Blogger.
      • V.5.4.334- I updated THE FATHER’s stuff.
        • I mostly worked on a new menu type way to see his videos and the video players.
      • V.5.5.776-I used that new menu thing for THE FATHER’s videos on my videos.
        • Because the player on for my videos is getting full.
      • V.5.3.201-I updated the JAP Update and THE FATHER’s Update site and in the process, moved it to and new domain in Blogger.
      • V.5.6.222- I worked on the My Profiles page.
      • V.5.7.183- I re-uploaded all the photo sand took out the Photo Stuff section.
        • It's still there. I'm just not using in via the menu.
    • MAIN SITE UPDATES (Version 6.X)
      • V.6.5.211-I updated a new Menu Info page.
        • V.When I added my new menu, I made a page and a video that explained everything about the menu. The page told you how to fix the menu so that it would run it Firefox and Google Chrome. The menu would only work in Internet Explorer 8 in “compatibility mode”. Well, around August of last year, I figure out why it wouldn’t work. So, I changed the info page saying that it works. Ironically, now it doesn't work in Internet Explorer. Well, I still works in IE8, but not IE9.
      • V.6.1.992- I removed the My Music section. I linked to the playlist.
      • V.6.1.001- I made a whole new banner.
      • V.6.2.234-I found a new host for my pictures and my past POTW's.
        • The site that I used for the pictures in the Scrolling News Bar, POTW, and the thumbnails for my video section on my Membership Site shutdown. So I have to find a new place to put my pictures in full quality and get the direct links.
      • I researched a whole bunch on things that I could add to the site. 
        • Around 50 new codes and items that would be helpful if I could make them work. It's going to take a lot of coding.
      • V.6.5.222- I updated the pages themselves.
        • Like, I'll look at all the links or content. Just to make sure everything is up-to-date, there's no errors and what-not.
      • V.6.4.745-I (painstakingly) updated the menu.
        • I need to add the new links to the new content, like the "BLOG" section in the menu. I'm going to have to replace the spot with something else, because the blog will be on the main site after the update and have it's own menu in the sidebar. And also, I need to fix errors in the menu like in the "MY PROFILES" section.
      • Lastly, back everything up.
        • Mostly everything on my sites runs out HTML codes. So, what I do is I copy the codes and save them in a word document. So, if something does wrong, I have an exact copy of that page or element.
        • I had all the codes saved on a my flash drive because computers fail to much and I need it to be portable so I can edit anywhere. But sometimes even those flash drives fail. I am always using the things thing I am provided to the fullest and since my site is on Blogger, I have a Google account. And that means I have access to Google Docs. So, I uploaded all my codes to the clouds. Now if I lose or break my flash drive, it doesn't matter. I can still get the codes from anywhere...with an internet connection. I can even edit them right in Google Docs, no download. It's just another thing that I am relying on with Google. Those people know what they are doing.

    That is all that I have in the list right now. Some more might get added as I go. Like small changes that I do. And this will slowly turn into the complete list of what I did. I wouldn't add the internal stuff that I do, like in the Blogger dashboard and interface. Because there are things I'm doing in there, like organizing posts and pages. I'm going to be more efficient and organized.

    THE 2012 CHANGES

    Click one of the links below to see the changes I did to the site in those months.
    CLICK HERE to go back to the past changes "YEARS" menu.
    There are no other updates before June.

    JULY through AUGUST