SITE UPDATE-15.5.1551

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V.SITE UPDATE-15.5.1551-This isn't the big of an update, but I did do a lot. This was more of a "FIX THE BROKEN THINGS" update. Here's what I did:
  • I continued to back up EVERYTHING!!
    • The past few weeks and since the last update, I have been going through all my page elements HTML codes, JS codes, and the other stuff in between and backing them up on both Google Drive and my external HDD.
  • I continued my investigation into the issues my menu has.
    • I look into a boat load of problems and found out...there isn't that many problems. I fixed the bloopers when I re-vamped the code in the last update.
    • However, there are three main annoyances that I can't seem to fix.


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V.15.0- This is good sized update. Enough to get it to 15.
Here's what I did:
  • I added the new Newsletter!
    • The only thing I added was the sign up links.
      • It's in the menu under "MAIN STUFF".
      • And in the side bar and bottom bar.