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V.15.6.5-This is about the bottom bar:
  • The bottom bar has officially been removed.
    • I figured out way it was gone. You can read about it here.
    • Since it's going, I updated the Site Layout Help page with the news.
    • I updated the floating warning at the top of the screen with the news.
    • And lastly, I moved the Back-to-Top arrow to the bottom of the screen again.
      • I moved it up to make room for the bottom bar.
I'm going to miss that bar. It was awesome.

SITE UPDATE-15.6.1144

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V.15.6.114-This is a quick little update. Here's what I did:
  • The bottom bar is still missing. I don't know why.
    • The codes are still there, the hosting site still has them, it's just weird!
    • And so, that made me put a warning at the top of the site.
    • But I wanted more than just a warning at the top, I wanted it to be where the bar was, floating.
  • And so, thus the warning hovers comes in.