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V.27- Sorry it's been a while. I have been having issues...with myself. Plus, I running out of ideas to add to the sites. There's just nothing new I can do! However, that didn't stop me from doing something. Here's what I did:
    • I went through all the sites, I looked at what I could do to make them better. They all had this one that bothered me. The floating things...I liked them when I added them. But, as time went on, I started to add more and more floating things! 
    • Here's what it looked like..

    • See...I had the Warnings, the Quick Links, the Shares, the Back to Top arrow, the Bottom Bar, and then the Side Panel button was in the lower left. Like the Back to Top arrow, just on the other side. That wasn't created at the time of this picture.
    • That's all on the Main Site. The other sites just had the Quick Links, the Shares, and the BTT Arrow. And that still seemed to be to much. I tried to make it better by making everything transparent until you hovered your mouse on them. As you can see in the picture. But that didn't help. So, I decided to rebuild everything. Well, not rebuild....just rework and compact! Clean it up...make it look pretty.
    • Here's what I got...

    • SEE! I made a new top bar. The Hover Warnings are still the same as they were, they aren't in the bar. The only thing in the bar is the Links and the Shares. I had to make the new Quick Links with little pictures of site icons. The AddThis one wouldn't work. Even my old school one wouldn't work. So, I just found all the icons I needed and got all the profile links and made my own buttons. The shares and still through AddThis. I used a different version of them and they worked.
    • Then, I focused on the bottom of the site. The Side Bar open button was floating vertically above the Bottom Bar. I made it horizontal and moved it down. But, it didn't work out so well. So, I just took the button and directly put it into the Bottom Bar, next to it's open link. I made the button go to the left, and the link go to the right. And it looks nice.
    • I added the new Top Bar to all the sites.
    • I really like what I did. They still auto adjust to the screen size. They have their own corners, as you can see. It's PERFECT!!
  • Code Clean up...
    • Well, not that prefect. When I added the Top Bar in...everything FREAKED OUT! Mostly the codes around the codes. In the section with the FOOTER ICONS at the bottom of the site, I have all my codes down there. The Bars, the Animated Window, the BTT Arrow, the Hover Image on and so forth... Many things are down there. And those things broke when I added the new Top Bar...why? I don't know. So, I had to go through and reorganize everything. Which one loads first, second, and so on. I did that by moving the whole code around. I put the moved the Top Bar code down with the Bottom bar code. And that seemed to work.
    • While doing that, I was seeing repeating codes. I like to use what I have to make something new! The Side Bar button was using the BTT arrow code to float. So, some parts of the code repeated twice for two different things. That's why I just but it in the Bottom Bar. So I could get rid of that repeating code. The Top Bar is made from the Bottom Bar. It has the same code. I just took out the open link and put in the Quick Links and the Shares. But all the open code was still there. So, I went through and took out the extra code it didn't need. When I redid the Floating Shares, I messed some setting up. A "Thanks for Sharing" panel would appear if you click on anything. I had it disabled in the settings on AddThis and directly in the code. But it still popped up. So, I investigated to find out that in the Shares below each post...the setting was on! So, I took out the repeating code there and left it below in the Top Bar code, and it's fixed. This led me to go through EVERYTHING! I cleaned up some repeating "" codes and other things.
    • Overall, I did some hefty optimizations and cleaning. And everything still WORKS!! It's all good.
  • Now for the little things...
    • I spent so much time cleaning and working that I didn't really add anything else.
    • However, I did add a link to the Back Up site in the menu under OTHER STUFF.
    • And I added fade in animations to all the floating things. When you hover your mouse of the Top Bar or the Bottom Bar, they will fade in from being 70% see through to not being see through at all. Then, I added a glow effect to them as well! So, when you hover over them, that fades in. It just looks really pretty. Like your mouse is a spotlight, shining on them when you find them.
    • Lastly, I made the Side Panel expandable. There's a little box in the bottom right. If you click and drag, it'll get bigger! I wanted it to also work when you dragged on the little gray border, but it wouldn't.
AND THAT'S THAT! Sorry, this took a while. I have been having issues. But, I'm getting them worked out! This update also spent a long time in BETA. I started a new BETA thing. When I add something new to the site, so times things don't work out. Like during this update. Some things broke. So, that's why I started it. If things are a bit strange, open the Bottom Bar and see if the site version is in BETA. Just wait a few seconds and refresh the page. I'm really good at stopping broken codes by rolling back to latest working version of that code. So, when things go wrong, I just click a button and everything does back to normal! Easy! I'm sure I'll only have to use the BETA on X versions of the sites. When I add new things. And then X.5 is when I refine the new things and added and make them better. So, that doesn't really need a BETA. It's just bug more bug fixes that I find. And V.27.5 should come out on October 1st...ish. I'm already working out some things that I forgot to expand in the update. Like the BTT Arrow doesn't fade in and other things. We'll see how they go!! SEE YOU THEN!!!