HEY!!! This website is getting old and out of date. Sorry about that. I'm going to college right now, so I'm just too busy to do anything here. I am thinking about taking some web design/development classes. I love web stuff, this site is a result of that. So, maybe when I'm done I'll use my new skills to update this place! We'll see!!! Only time will tell.

On the HOME PAGE are the latest changes throughout my sites. CLICK HERE to see the past changes.


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V.18-HEY! IT'S TIME!!! It's a new year...well....not yet. We still have a minute. But, I had to do all the updates before 2014 so that when the year changes the updates are there. Here's what I did for the small but large update:
  • The New Update Blog!
    • Well, it's not totally new. It all looks the same. The only thing that changed was the way I'll post updates. This is exactly what I did to the Site Changes...Site in update 12.7.1122. So, now I just post an update as it's own post instead of an ever continuing post. And then I use the archive links in the sidebar to organize the post in the menu and what not. It's a much better way to post. I should have done it when I changed the Site Update...Site and the Main Site.
  • Speaking of the Main Site!
On the HOME PAGE are the latest changes throughout my sites. CLICK HERE to see the past changes.

SITE UPDATE-17.7.1771

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V.1.7.1771- It's that time of the year!!! IT'S CHRISTMAS TIME!! So, just for fun and celebration, I put lights up on my sites and it snows! Well...only my Blogger sites. They are the only ones that are easy to edit and are right in front of me. I would do my membership site, but there's a problem. The reason way it's getting out of date is because Webs site editor won't load for me. I still could work on the pages and I will for 2014. But, I can't update the sidebar things, which is where I put the codes for the snow and lights. Sorry membership site. You can still go see the using the icons and the bottom of the site. You might have to maximize the window to get the best effect. 
On the HOME PAGE are the latest changes throughout my sites. CLICK HERE to see the past changes.

SITE UPDATE-17.5.1750

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V.17.5.1750-This is a preparation update. I'm getting things ready for V.18 which is my new years update. I'm getting started early so that I get things done properly and not rush. You'll see things start to slowly change. Like my Facebook comments. I finally found a solution for the problem they had from the beginning. I'm still testing to see if everything works. That's why you see a change happen, but I don't immediately announce it. I put things though many tests to make sure they won't fail, or I want to make sure I'm getting the best out of the thing by adding more to the code and refining things. All this is to prevent a bunch of small updates for little things. I like my new bulk update style. Just put all the small ones into a big update. Anyways, expect one more update before V.18. That is for the return of the Christmas lights and snow effects. It snowed once so far. I like to break out the Christmas things on December 1st, so look for the update then. Finally after that, you'll see 2014 things appear in the menu and other places and then they'll slowly get filled in. See, you in two weeks.
On the HOME PAGE are the latest changes throughout my sites. CLICK HERE to see the past changes.


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V.17.5- This update refines what I did in Version 17, but also adds a few new things. It's not too big, here's what I did:
  • New follow/quick link buttons.
    • Across all my sites on Blogger, I added this new FOLLOW buttons above the floating shares at the top of the sites.
      • They are all quick links to my main profiles, expect for the Twitter one. It's the only actual follow button.
  • Even more changes to the Hover Warnings.
On the HOME PAGE are the latest changes throughout my sites. CLICK HERE to see the past changes.


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V.17- This was a big one. I keep a list of things that I do...and it's long. At least, it looks long to me. More than the usual small updates that have been happening lately. Here's what I did:
  • Re-fined the inner code of the Hover Warnings.
    • If you didn't know, the Hover Warnings are the red float text that is at the top of the Main Site when you scroll past them.
    • I re-worked the codes inside it.
      • I tested them on my blog once. Just to see what I could so with them. And it worked...but the title of the blog at the top of the page floated with the text. Because the code was set to <header>, anything with <header> floated...like the title.
        • Well, I went through the code and named all the <header>'s <header111>. And now, there's no conflict. PERFECT!
      • Next, I moved the .JS codes where the HTML codes are.
On the HOME PAGE are the latest changes throughout my sites. CLICK HERE to see the past changes.


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V.16.5-This was just a little update. Here's what I did:
  • I did a little work on the sidebar.
    • I made the POTW picture and the Random Video picture bigger and better. 
      • They are their own elements now. I can customize them more now.
        • Like what I did to the Important News banner in Update V.14.
  • I added a new way to check the current site version.
    • At the top of the Site Changes Site and the bottom of the main site I added a new CLICK HERE link. Click it. I also put it in the menu in the Site Changes section.
      • Just an extra easy way to check. I like to make things easy.
      • You can still click the other SITE VERSION link on the main site to go the the real page like always. This extra link is next to it.
  • I added new favicons on all the sites.
    • However, they aren't working....weird.
      • I might just go back to the old ones way.
    • I tried to add them before.
      • I used a site to make them and saved them as .ico.
      • The dimensions of them are 16x16, a square.
      • But when I tried to upload them, blogger said they weren't a square... ?
    • So, I re-did them in Photoshop as 32x32.
      • And they worked when I tried to upload them.
      • But they aren't there.
        • Hmmmm.
I think that's all. I did a few little tweaks here and there and some testing that was never permanent. I running out of stuff to add or do...or charge.
On the HOME PAGE are the latest changes throughout my sites. CLICK HERE to see the past changes.


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V.16-This one was a big but small one. Let's call it...the Flickr Update. :-P Here's what I did:
  • Here comes Flickr.
    • I moved over from Photobucket, to Flickr.
      • They got me with the one terabyte of space and full resolution pictures. The reason why I switched was what I said. Flickr has more space and I can have full resolution pictures. And I really wanted the full res. On Photobucket, my photos went from 4000 by 4000 to 1000 by 1000. I just estimated there, but you get the point. And I had used up 68% of my space. The switch just seemed logical.
    • I moved EVERYTHING over. Everything in the Photo Section.
On the HOME PAGE are the latest changes throughout my sites. CLICK HERE to see the past changes.


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V.15.6.5-This is about the bottom bar:
  • The bottom bar has officially been removed.
    • I figured out way it was gone. You can read about it here.
    • Since it's going, I updated the Site Layout Help page with the news.
    • I updated the floating warning at the top of the screen with the news.
    • And lastly, I moved the Back-to-Top arrow to the bottom of the screen again.
      • I moved it up to make room for the bottom bar.
I'm going to miss that bar. It was awesome.
On the HOME PAGE are the latest changes throughout my sites. CLICK HERE to see the past changes.

SITE UPDATE-15.6.1144

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V.15.6.114-This is a quick little update. Here's what I did:
  • The bottom bar is still missing. I don't know why.
    • The codes are still there, the hosting site still has them, it's just weird!
    • And so, that made me put a warning at the top of the site.
    • But I wanted more than just a warning at the top, I wanted it to be where the bar was, floating.
  • And so, thus the warning hovers comes in.
On the HOME PAGE are the latest changes throughout my sites. CLICK HERE to see the past changes.

SITE UPDATE-15.5.1551

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V.SITE UPDATE-15.5.1551-This isn't the big of an update, but I did do a lot. This was more of a "FIX THE BROKEN THINGS" update. Here's what I did:
  • I continued to back up EVERYTHING!!
    • The past few weeks and since the last update, I have been going through all my page elements HTML codes, JS codes, and the other stuff in between and backing them up on both Google Drive and my external HDD.
  • I continued my investigation into the issues my menu has.
    • I look into a boat load of problems and found out...there isn't that many problems. I fixed the bloopers when I re-vamped the code in the last update.
    • However, there are three main annoyances that I can't seem to fix.
On the HOME PAGE are the latest changes throughout my sites. CLICK HERE to see the past changes.


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V.15.0- This is good sized update. Enough to get it to 15.
Here's what I did:
  • I added the new Newsletter!
    • The only thing I added was the sign up links.
      • It's in the menu under "MAIN STUFF".
      • And in the side bar and bottom bar.
On the HOME PAGE are the latest changes throughout my sites. CLICK HERE to see the past changes.

SITE UPDATE-14.3.2467

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V.14.3.2467-This is a normal little update. Here what I did:
  • First off...APRIL FOOLS!!
    • Sorry I didn't really do anything for it. I've been busy.
    • And since it's the first of the month, there's a new update video.
Now to the real updates.
  • I refined the things from the 14 update.
    • Like the buttons for the Important! News. I adjusted the code so I could take a button out and moved them above the marquee.
    • I also change the colors of the links in there. Making it more...colorful.
    • Adjusted the size of the videos on the help pages.
  • I updated the Photo Menu and it's pages.
    • I have added new projects to the menu, but not the pages themselves.
  • I added more share buttons.
    • Both the post shares and floating shares now have TEN buttons to chose from!
  • Youtube has another new unnecessary channel layout.
  • I added some things to the help page.
    • About Firefox. It's having problems loading the site. I just added more detail.
  • Lastly, I still testing on the Test Site.
    • I failed at adding some new things. At least I tried.
On the HOME PAGE are the latest changes throughout my sites. CLICK HERE to see the past changes.


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V.14-This was a big update. Not huge, but a good bundle of little changed here and there. Here's what I did:
  • Clocks EVERYWHERE!!!
  • Speaking of the Update and Changes sites.
    • I changed their widths. I made them more compact because on my tiny computer, I had a bottom scroll bar. That means the site is to wide. I try to make everything fit on my tiny laptops screen because it's the default size that most sites go for. Facebook, Weather.com, and other site fit perfectly with no auto adjusting. So, that's what I try to go for. I don't like bottom scroll bars.
      • I did have a problem with the blog. It's to wide by a bit and won't seem to get under it, not matter how small I make it.
        • My main site auto adjusts except for the menu.
  • There's a new downtime tracker on the back up site.
    • As in, whenever the main site goes down, this little counter will pop up and keep track of how long it's been down.
  • Speaking of trackers.
    • I added a "Time since last update" tracker under the new clock on the Site Changes...Site.
  • Fixed the share buttons.
    • On main site, I have the floating share buttons. There was a share counter below it. Just like the counter below every post. Well, I got rid of it. It just looked weird. And it was interfering with the post shares.
    • Speaking of them, I fixed some problems with them. They were having a bit of issues. I had to take out the extra share button and the pin it button.
      • The counter in the floating shares whereas taken off all my sites that have one. But the buttons taken in the post shares where only on the main site. The others are still working.
  • No more snow. :-(
    • Sad to say. But winter is over. And even though it's still kind-of snowing where I am, I'm still turning off the snow code. I try to think of things to replace it. ;-)
  • The bottom bar was adjusted.
    • I messed with the main site bottom bar a bit and it covers the code space at the bottom of my site every well.
  • Updated the site layout page.
    • I added info about the bottom bar.
  • I changed the season descriptions on The Father's video page.
    • I updated them to not just say "This season is over." I describe more.
  • New help videos.
    • The one on the help page is a video that basically reads all the info to you. And better explains it. It's for those who don't want to read.
    • I also added one on the Menu Help and the Site Layout help. 
      • Those just talk about those subject  The one on the help page covers everything.
  • Changed some more things it the main site footer but nothing much.
  • Revamped the marquees.
    • The marquees are the scrolling news things.
      • They are the Important! News at the top and the Main News...News on the side.
    • I made the one on the top HTML instead of Java.
      • There are some good and bad things.
        • The bad:
          1. It's jumpy and flickering. It doesn't look as cool and smooth.
        • And that's all...
        • The good:
          1. It's super simple. 
          2. It not as touchy as the old one. As in I can play with it and not have breaking issues. 
          3. And that means I was able to add the cool animated window loader for the CLICK HERE link for the Update video. 
          4. Loads quickly. 
          5. It still has the hover stop. 
          6. It auto adjusts with the screen width. 
          7. And lastly as a fun bonus, I was able to add cool controls to it. Like speeding it up and slowing it down.
        • Much more good than bad. :-) I'll get over it.
    • Then, I noticed that now the marquees are basically the same code style.
      • So, with a little tweaking, I was able to add the cool controls to the side one too!!
      • I also centered everything in the side one.
      • That it for that one, not to much.
  • Cleaned up the test site.
    • Got rid of the extra codes that I integrated to make room for some new codes. When I add something from the test site to the main site, I take it off of the test site. Or sometimes leave it there just in case I need some extra testing. Like the menu.
  • Then, there's usually little tweaks here and there.
I thinks that's all. There was a lot.
On the HOME PAGE are the latest changes throughout my sites. CLICK HERE to see the past changes.

SITE UPDATE-13.2.4348

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V.13.2.4348-This was an OK sized update. Here's what I did:
    • I added a new way to comment, powered by Disqus.
    • It's not really that important to have. But, I wanted it. I also tried the Facebook comment widget, but for some reason it doesn't like my site. I was planning on having the Disqus comments under every post, like the share buttons. But it wouldn't work. So, maybe I should try to do what I did with Disqus, which was just putting it in it's own widget in the layout below everything, but with Facebook.
  • I added a new way to comment...powered by Facebook. :-P
  • I made a new site. I call it...the Back Up site. 
    • Whenever my site does down, due to codes not working, or something, this site will be put in it's place. until the problem is fixed. Like today, my code storage site Web.com is having issues and keeps crashing. The main site menu, Back To Top arrow, and other codes are stored there. So, when it breaks, the codes stop working and my site breaks. So, this is new site is like a fail-safe. Even though it's not my fails.
  • The bottom bar has more buttons. Including the"MY Weather thing that I started. 
    • I talked about the my weather thing on the last post in January on my Update Blog, but not here. It basically shows you the weather in my area in real-time. So, you can see when a storm is going to hit and you know I'll be watching it.
  • Like always, I did some "under-the-hood" stuff. Changing codes, but notice noticeable. 
    • Just trying to make things work better.
I think that's all. There might have been some little things I missed.
On the HOME PAGE are the latest changes throughout my sites. CLICK HERE to see the past changes.

SITE UPDATE-13.1.0238

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V.13.1.0238- There's nothing really new here. I add a new weather thing in the new Bottom Bar. And on other various places. Just a little extra thing that's unnecessary  You can see if I'm getting hit by a storm, which I would me making a video of it.
But like I said, nothing noticeably new. Some under-the-hood tweaks. Some videos in the menu weren't working. I'm still working on things over on the test site. I trying to do as much as I can since I'm not going full time on anything anymore. I need to find a way to make the menu re-size depending on screen width. It'll auto-adjust. Then I can get rid of that "Better Way to View" Section...Well, I good chunk of it. I'm working on all this by myself. So, things take time.
On the HOME PAGE are the latest changes throughout my sites. CLICK HERE to see the past changes.


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V.13.0- This update refines what was changed in updates 12.8.3223 and 12.8.7203, but also adds new things for 13.
Here's what all happened in a re-cap:
  • 12.8.3223 was just a prep-update for 13. 
    • I moved the "Back-to-Top arrow up a little bit to make room for the new bottom bar. 
    • And a few under the hood things.
  • 12.8.7203 was made to adjust for the ending of my Daily Photos Project. I explained why I stopped on my blog.
    • I moved it to the "Photo Projects" section which was re-named from "Practice Photos".
    • And then created a new photo album were I will continue to upload photos from time to time.
    • And then I renamed the ALL "Daily Photo" sections to "Latest Photo" and left the Facebook badges alone.
Now on to 13. 

  • The big new thing is the bottom bar.
    • What's the reason for it?
      • I wanted it. :-)
    • It does have some proposes.
      • It notifies you on what's new in real time. Either when I post something, or I can put in my own custom notification.
      • You can look at my videos and Twitter and Facebook right from it!
      • And just for fun, I added a menu in there with links that you can already get to in other places.
  • Like I said, I refined the other two updates by fixing typos and bloopers.
  • And then I made use of "javascript:void(0)" in the menu. Instead of just "#". It help with the animated window loader. I don't think I'll go through and put it in the pages. I'll just start using it with new posts.
And that's about it. I'm still testing other things on the test site. Keep checking back to see what's new.
On the HOME PAGE are the latest changes throughout my sites. CLICK HERE to see the past changes.

SITE UPDATE-12.8.7203

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V.12.8.7203-This was a quick and random update. I stopped doing Daily Photo uploads. So, I had to change some things around. 

  • First, I moving it's section in the menu. 
    • Doing that, I renamed the "Practice Photos" section to "Photo Projects". 
  • Then, I made a new album.
    • I called it "Latest Photos". I didn't want to re-name the Daily album because it would break any link that goes to it. Like one my blog and other place I can't remember.
  • All that's left was to rename.
    • I have Facebook badges of my photos that update when I upload. All I did was leave them alone and rename them to "Latest Photos" instead of "Daily".
  • And that's all this update was about...or was it. :-)
On the HOME PAGE are the latest changes throughout my sites. CLICK HERE to see the past changes.

SITE UPDATE-12.8.3223

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V.12.8.3223- This update was more of a preparation. I'm testing new stupid things. Go explorer the Test Site. There's some cool and weird things. This update is making way for some of that stuff, and something else. If you didn't notice, the "Back-to-top" arrow is moved up a little bit. That's to make room for something. Still testing. More coming soon.
On the HOME PAGE are the latest changes throughout my sites. CLICK HERE to see the past changes.

SITE UPDATE-12.7.1122

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This is just another typical update. Here's what I did:
  • Everything updated!!!
    • A month ago, I set up the Update Blogs and the Site Update to update to 2013 by scheduling the posts. I even pre-added them into the menu. And it all worked.
    • I had to actually add the update words to the January update. Here's the update. Read it. I say some important things.
    • And I changed the way I do site updates. I adopted the way I do it on the main site. By just posting the update instead of adding it to a long list of updates. I didn't like having a super long page. And then I used the archives to split them by months. And then I added a page with all the months.
      • This way, I don't have a long page of updates and I can limit the number of posts on the home page.
    • Also last month, I re-did all my sites copyrights (There are at the bottom of the site.) in a way that they would automatically update to the next year. And I surprised that...it worked! 
      • I was scared it wouldn't work like how things happen on my sites.
    • A month...again...I added this new thing on the main site that involved the Help page. It was a close-able popup at the top of the site that linked to the help page. Well...it broke. And so, I removed it. I put the old link back into the "Better Way to View" section.
    • The menu is ok. I'm having some overlapping issues that I'm trying to fix.
    • Most of my sites are updated for big computer screens. I used to have them be small because my old computer had a small screen. So I made everything fit in that small. But, I got a new computer and since most computers have HD screens now, I have made my fonts bigger and I switched to a whole new font type which is easier to read. The menu was updated to the new format and my main site's posts are nice big fonts now. It's all pretty and easy to read.
    • And lastly...and sadly...I removed the Christmas lights from my sites. I know, :-( . Christmas is over. But I did leave the snow. Because it's still snowing where I live. The snow will go away in March...or February...or whenever I feel like it!!!
On the HOME PAGE are the latest changes throughout my sites. CLICK HERE to see the past changes.


Click one of the months below to see the changes to the site.
CLICK HERE to go back to the past changes "YEARS" menu. 
You can also CLICK HERE to view ALL updates from 2013.

January           February           March
April         May         June          July
August         September         October
November                December