HEY!!! This website is getting old and out of date. Sorry about that. I'm going to college right now, so I'm just too busy to do anything here. I am thinking about taking some web design/development classes. I love web stuff, this site is a result of that. So, maybe when I'm done I'll use my new skills to update this place! We'll see!!! Only time will tell.

On the HOME PAGE are the latest changes throughout my sites. CLICK HERE to see the past changes.

SITE UPDATE-29.5 + 29.5.16

CLICK HERE to go back to the past changes "2015 MONTHS" menu.
V.29.5 + 29.5.16- OK! It's the end of the year! And that means it's time add the 2016 stuff! So, that's what this update is. I set things up to post and update right at the year change. So, 29.5 is the set up, 29.5.16 is checking if it all worked and updated properly! I also refined a few things I added in V.29. Ok, got it? Here's what I did:
  • 2016!
    • It's everywhere! Across all the sites and menus I added 2016 lists. They don't have anything yet though. But the way I have them set up lets them just update by themselves. The only thing I have to add each month is the new Monthly Update. Speaking of menus....
  • Updates to the Menus...
    • I took my idea in V.26 and applied it to other menus. My updates are sorted by years. The idea was that since the year lists in the menus are getting so long, I would switch the order of them. They used to be 2010-2015. That means if you wanted recent updates, you have to navigate down the whole list. So, I changed it to be 2015-2010. Backwards. So the most recent is on the top. I only did it to the Monthly Updates and the Update Blog lists in the Main Site Menu. Well, now I expanded it to the Site Updates in the Main Menu. Also, I did it to the separate menus on those sites. Just to make things easier.
    • I had to change the Site Updates menu a little bit. The list of years were too long. So, I had to split them up by making a MORE section.
    • I also added all the 2015 Monthly Updates to the Main Menu. They got behind...
    • Also, my updates for my Update Blog got behind. So, I removed the unused months in 2015 from all the menus.
  • Video Pages Update...
    • While adding the 2016 section in my videos, I remembered something. I'm still adding videos to The Father's page! I am! I'm still uploading to the channel. I have this idea in mind. So, I updated his page and added a WHOLE PAGE just for my Boots and the videos I made about her. Go check his page out!
  • Lastly, the little things...
    • In the POTW Hover Panel that's in the side bar of the Main Site, I always had a link to a BTS video. Even if there wasn't one. So, using the CSS property "visibility", I made it so it hides when there isn't a video. And when I need it, I just change it from "hidden" to "visible"!
    • I added a "BETA VERSION" section in the bottom bar on the Main Site below the new "CURRENT VERSION" section. It lets you know that I started working on a new update and things might start freaking out. Like if I break the menu. But I'm quick at restoring things back to normal.
    • The Dynamic Drive banner said "The Top Bar and other codes were provided by:" Well, in the last update I rebuilt the Top Bar from scratch. So, it doesn't use any code from them. I made it. It actually used the Bottom Bar's code. So, I changed it to reflect each site. Like the Menu on the Update Blog, I said it was provided by them. Stuff like that.
And that's pretty much it! I didn't add anything new, but that usually happens in X.5 updates. Refine the things you have before adding new messes. This year was a rough one. Things will get better! I don't know when or what will happen. Something will! See you next year!
On the HOME PAGE are the latest changes throughout my sites. CLICK HERE to see the past changes.


CLICK HERE to go back to the past changes "2015 MONTHS" menu.
V.29- So...This update was supposed to be small. Just adding the Christmas stuff and getting ready for the new year. But, I added a few new things. It's not a long list of stuff, but it's big stuff. Enough to skip V.28.5. HERE'S WHAT I DID:
    • It's that time of the year! We got our tree up a few nights ago. So, it's time to put the lights on the sites. And they look nice too. I thought all the bars on the Main Site would cut things off, but it's all good. I like it.
    • I also moved the Snow Button on the Main Site. It's in the top bar like everywhere else. I also made it smaller. Instead of saying "Turn the Snow ON/OFF" it just says "Snow ON/OFF".
    • I also cut out the Christmas Music player. I didn't know where to put the button for it. I already have a lot of buttons everywhere. I'll think of something for next year.
    • Through out time, these Hover Warning of been through a lot. The Warning is the red text that floats at the top of the Main Site. I have rebuilt them many....many times. And this is no exception! They are better than ever! Rebuilt from the ground up using CSS instead of JS. CSS loads faster and is easy on computers. Now all the issues with it are gone! I had a problem with the 100% width thing. If it was setting to 100% it would block everything in the Top Bar. Now, I can make it whatever size and have no issue. It's just more stable and better! And you can't even tell!
    • However, there's a catch. I re-did the Hover Menu a while back. Well....it didn't work anymore. Oh well. I restored the old, VERY FIRST version and it works fine!
    • Also, there was this BIG empty space at the bottom of the Main Site. I don't think I have a picture of it. It was big! Just a space of nothing but black. Like something was hidden there. It was weird. I tried to figure out where it came from and gave up. It was a mystery....until now. After I updated the Warning....POOF! Gone. :-)
    • I have this menu system on the Free Rider, Update Blog, and the Site Update....Sites. It used the Hover Warning code to float! There was a problem though. The menu had to be set to 100% in order to work. And like I said, 100% in the old Warning code means the Top Bar is blocked. So, I had to make the menu float below the Top Bar. Well, now with this update tot he Warnings, I don't have to! It took a little tinkering, but it works! I was able to move the menu back up, so it's all flush with the Top Bar and not sticking out below it. I LOVE IT! I like using codes I already have for new things!
    • But you can't tell...CAN YOU! I was studying CSS! That's what this update is about. I update a few things into a more CSS based form. THUS! The Top Bar comes in. The Top Bar was made from the Bottom Bar. So, it had all that extra code that it didn't use. Well, while studying CSS, I figured out the FIXED property. "position: fixed!important;" And I also learn how to make a box. Using the fixed thing, I could but a box anywhere on the screen and have it float there....So.....why not make a white, transparent box with the height of 28px and a width of 100% float at the top of the screen! THUS! The Top Bar has been rebuilt with a super simple code. And I can put whatever I want up there and have it work! It's AMAZING! I love making things better!
    • One last total rebuild. I go through JS code sites that give you free codes to take and use. That's where the menu came from. Well, there are also CSS code sites. I look through those to find something that looks like what I already have, but made out of CSS. Which is better. That where I found the new Hover Warning and...the new Image Panels...Built from CSS. They where I bit tricky to get right. There didn't like to work. But, I have all the bugs worked out. I could do more with them now!
  • Now, the little things...
    • I removed the News Buttons. They were above the Scrolling Important News and the Scrolling Newsy News. The controlled how fast the marquees moved. However, in recent web browser updates, they didn't work anymore. So, I just removed them. I liked them... Farewell....
    • In recent tests of the Main Site, I was seeing what slows the site down from loading. Looking at the performance grade, I saw that I had a bad score in redirects. That means the site tries to load something from the wrong URL and it's redirected to the right one. That cost a few moments in load time. So, I went and fixed the bad spots. Mostly it was redirecting from HTTP to HTTPS. So, I just had to put an S in the links. Not a bad fix.
    • And lastly, some New Years Prep. I'm just getting things organized and ready to update. It takes a whole month to add all the 2016 stuff!
This was a fun update! I'm actually starting to make things! The Top Bar is mine! It's not made off of another code! I made that! I'm learning more and more. Enough to expand things. Add more to it. Customize it. Like using the Hover Warning code to make the floating menus. Using things I already have for something new! I'm just happy right now. I like making things. Anyways, I'll see you and the end of the month for V.29.5. And then a week later will be V.29.5.16! V.29.5 is added the 2016 stuff, and V.29.5.16 is seeing if it all worked and making fixes. SEE YOU THEN!
On the HOME PAGE are the latest changes throughout my sites. CLICK HERE to see the past changes.


CLICK HERE to go back to the past changes "2015 MONTHS"menu.
V.28- Hi, this update is a good one. I updated a bunch of things from the last update. It's time to get caught back up. Here's what I did:
  • SNOW!!
    • As I do every November, I add a snow effect to the sites! Click the SNOW BUTTON to let it snow! Things are different though. It's just where the button is placed. Usually I have it floating at the bottom left of the screen. But, I made the Top Bar for a reason. To clean up the floating stuff and make it all look nice and clean. So, that's where I put the snow button on all the Blogger Sites. Except for the Main Site. If I put it in the Top Bar, the Hover Warning would be in the way. So, I put it in the Bottom Bar next to the Side Bar button. It still looks nice and clean!
  • The Back Up Site?
    • A while back when my sites relied on external codes, I made this site. When the host site of the codes when down, my sites would go down. When that happened, the back up site would go live and as a replacement until things are fixed. It got annoying. So, in the V.20 update, I made all the sites work on their own. That means I took the external .JS and .CSS codes and put them directly on the site. That's good and bad. Good is that they don't rely on anything anymore...except Blogger. Bad is that I can hurt loading times. At least, that's what I read. And the Main Site was already a beast to load. Even though, I think that having codes off site means that it'll have to fetch that code when it loads. That means it'll have to wait for that server to kick on, access it, find the file, grab it, bring it back, and then load it. Instead of just....loading it. And that's true. When I run my tests, my site scores good. Better than before. But not as good as it was. But during those tests, the only bad thing it says is that I need to combine external scripts. I still have them. The comment sections, the Youtube players, and other things. There still is external things, just more reliable things. I tried combining my codes in V.16, I got mostly everything into one .JS cods. So, I was on the right track. I guess....I don't know. I need to update the help page with my new results.
    • Oh....Right, that's what this part is about! The Help Pages. Since I did all that and maybe my sites work on their own, I didn't need the Back Up site. So, to put it to good use, The Help Links in the Hover Warning/Hover Menu now go to the Back Up site. The actual link where the Hover Menu is goes the Help Page that I made on Webs. It's an external HTML document. And then in the Menu, under MY STUFF->INFORMATION, those links will bring you to the Help Pages that or on the Main Site. I might do a little more adjusting to balance things out in the next update.
  • The Image Slider....
    • On my blog, I do this thing were I compare the Before and After changes of the pictures I make. In V.25, I made a new way to compare the pictures. The pictures load in a box and there is a slider in the middle. On the left side of the slider is the before and on the right is the after. You can slide the slider around and compare at either half and half, or 1/4-3/4, or anywhere! It's hard to explain, so go over and check it out.
    • Anyways, it's been a bit buggy ever since I put it in. I would have to embed it into the page in HTML mode before publishing. I couldn't go into Compose mode or it'll break. And other little issues. Well, I looked at way it was breaking and decided to try something. The WHOLE CODE was in the page itself, so I just moved the JS and CSS codes out of the page and put them into a section on the bottom of the site. Where I have all the other codes. I left the load code on the page. The load code is basically an HTML code that sends a signal to the JS to load the element. That's a rough way to put it. ANYWAYS!! I put the codes down there and it solved the issues! I don't know why I didn't think of that in the first place!
  • Animations...
    • Like I mentioned at the end of the last update, I just started experimenting with fade and glow effect and didn't get the effect everywhere. Some sites with the new Top Bar didn't have the new effects. And the Back to Top arrow didn't fade in and out when you hovered over it. Well, everything is perfected now. EXCEPT...the BTT Arrow. It wouldn't work. It kind-of already uses the effect. But not for onhover stuff. Oh well.
  • The Little things...
    • In the Menu, under MY STUFF->MY PROFILES, I took out the Flickr and Google+ widgets. The Google+ one would appear and then disappear when the page loaded. It was annoying so I took it out! And they Flickr ones wasn't working right.
    • The Blogger Navbar has been removed for all Blogger Sites. It was being blocked by the top bar, so I just took it out as well!
    • The 2015 links in the Site Update's menu were not the right ones. I don't know when that happened. Hopefully it hasn't been like that since I made the menu. HOW COULD I MISS THAT!
    • There's new silly placeholder text in the Contact Forms. But only on the Main Site and the Blog. I haven't gotten around to added them everywhere else. I'll do that in the next update!
    • There is a Dynamic Drive banner at the bottom of all the Blogger sites! I only had one on the Main Site. But since I use their codes on all the sites, I put it everywhere! I also took it out of the Bottom Bar on the Main Site. So, you can see it all the time! Just so you know, Dynamic Drive is a code site. You can go there and get FREE CODES of random things. That's where I got the Menu and the Bottom Bar. Plus many other little codes.
    • I renamed some of the Help Links in the Hover Menu.
    • On the Main Site, I changed the NEW FREE RIDER TRACK picture in the Side Bar's Scrolling News. I updated all the pictures a while back, but didn't change it in there.
    • And lastly...CLEANING!! That would be fixing errors in codes or parts that repeat. Or parts that aren't even being used! Just trimming things up to make it load faster!
  • And now....something new....FAILS!!!
    • There are somethings on the sites that I try to fix or add onto...but I fail. 
    • In the Top Bar on the Main site, when you hover over the Share + button, it brings up a little menu with other share options. However...that only works on the Main Site! I checked the codes and everything is the same!! So, why it's working there and no where else....I don't know.
    • There's a glitch where the Bottom Bar doesn't load. It happened for a little bit but then stopped. I don't know if it's fixed or not. I didn't do anything!
    • I tried updating the custom scroll bars. On the sites, if you look to the right at the page scroll bar, mine are custom. I tried changing there color because the UP button is different from the DOWN button. BUT IT WOULDN'T WORK! Oh well....it's not that bad.
    • And lastly, I tried to make the Top Bars different on each site. But, it just looked weird. I like it's plain white self.
OK! Not that bad of an update. I talked a lot though. I made my notes better too. I keep track of everything I do in a list. And I didn't forget anything this time. I wrote everything down. I'm getting things back on track. I have hard a rough four months...maybe even longer. See you in December. On time too! CHRISTMAS!

On the HOME PAGE are the latest changes throughout my sites. CLICK HERE to see the past changes.


CLICK HERE to go back to the past changes "2015 MONTHS" menu.
V.27- Sorry it's been a while. I have been having issues...with myself. Plus, I running out of ideas to add to the sites. There's just nothing new I can do! However, that didn't stop me from doing something. Here's what I did:
    • I went through all the sites, I looked at what I could do to make them better. They all had this one that bothered me. The floating things...I liked them when I added them. But, as time went on, I started to add more and more floating things! 
    • Here's what it looked like..

    • See...I had the Warnings, the Quick Links, the Shares, the Back to Top arrow, the Bottom Bar, and then the Side Panel button was in the lower left. Like the Back to Top arrow, just on the other side. That wasn't created at the time of this picture.
    • That's all on the Main Site. The other sites just had the Quick Links, the Shares, and the BTT Arrow. And that still seemed to be to much. I tried to make it better by making everything transparent until you hovered your mouse on them. As you can see in the picture. But that didn't help. So, I decided to rebuild everything. Well, not rebuild....just rework and compact! Clean it up...make it look pretty.
    • Here's what I got...

    • SEE! I made a new top bar. The Hover Warnings are still the same as they were, they aren't in the bar. The only thing in the bar is the Links and the Shares. I had to make the new Quick Links with little pictures of site icons. The AddThis one wouldn't work. Even my old school one wouldn't work. So, I just found all the icons I needed and got all the profile links and made my own buttons. The shares and still through AddThis. I used a different version of them and they worked.
    • Then, I focused on the bottom of the site. The Side Bar open button was floating vertically above the Bottom Bar. I made it horizontal and moved it down. But, it didn't work out so well. So, I just took the button and directly put it into the Bottom Bar, next to it's open link. I made the button go to the left, and the link go to the right. And it looks nice.
    • I added the new Top Bar to all the sites.
    • I really like what I did. They still auto adjust to the screen size. They have their own corners, as you can see. It's PERFECT!!
  • Code Clean up...
    • Well, not that prefect. When I added the Top Bar in...everything FREAKED OUT! Mostly the codes around the codes. In the section with the FOOTER ICONS at the bottom of the site, I have all my codes down there. The Bars, the Animated Window, the BTT Arrow, the Hover Image Panels...so on and so forth... Many things are down there. And those things broke when I added the new Top Bar...why? I don't know. So, I had to go through and reorganize everything. Which one loads first, second, and so on. I did that by moving the whole code around. I put the moved the Top Bar code down with the Bottom bar code. And that seemed to work.
    • While doing that, I was seeing repeating codes. I like to use what I have to make something new! The Side Bar button was using the BTT arrow code to float. So, some parts of the code repeated twice for two different things. That's why I just but it in the Bottom Bar. So I could get rid of that repeating code. The Top Bar is made from the Bottom Bar. It has the same code. I just took out the open link and put in the Quick Links and the Shares. But all the open code was still there. So, I went through and took out the extra code it didn't need. When I redid the Floating Shares, I messed some setting up. A "Thanks for Sharing" panel would appear if you click on anything. I had it disabled in the settings on AddThis and directly in the code. But it still popped up. So, I investigated to find out that in the Shares below each post...the setting was on! So, I took out the repeating code there and left it below in the Top Bar code, and it's fixed. This led me to go through EVERYTHING! I cleaned up some repeating "ajax.google" codes and other things.
    • Overall, I did some hefty optimizations and cleaning. And everything still WORKS!! It's all good.
  • Now for the little things...
    • I spent so much time cleaning and working that I didn't really add anything else.
    • However, I did add a link to the Back Up site in the menu under OTHER STUFF.
    • And I added fade in animations to all the floating things. When you hover your mouse of the Top Bar or the Bottom Bar, they will fade in from being 70% see through to not being see through at all. Then, I added a glow effect to them as well! So, when you hover over them, that fades in. It just looks really pretty. Like your mouse is a spotlight, shining on them when you find them.
    • Lastly, I made the Side Panel expandable. There's a little box in the bottom right. If you click and drag, it'll get bigger! I wanted it to also work when you dragged on the little gray border, but it wouldn't.
AND THAT'S THAT! Sorry, this took a while. I have been having issues. But, I'm getting them worked out! This update also spent a long time in BETA. I started a new BETA thing. When I add something new to the site, so times things don't work out. Like during this update. Some things broke. So, that's why I started it. If things are a bit strange, open the Bottom Bar and see if the site version is in BETA. Just wait a few seconds and refresh the page. I'm really good at stopping broken codes by rolling back to latest working version of that code. So, when things go wrong, I just click a button and everything does back to normal! Easy! I'm sure I'll only have to use the BETA on X versions of the sites. When I add new things. And then X.5 is when I refine the new things and added and make them better. So, that doesn't really need a BETA. It's just bug more bug fixes that I find. And V.27.5 should come out on October 1st...ish. I'm already working out some things that I forgot to expand in the update. Like the BTT Arrow doesn't fade in and other things. We'll see how they go!! SEE YOU THEN!!!
On the HOME PAGE are the latest changes throughout my sites. CLICK HERE to see the past changes.


CLICK HERE to go back to the past changes "2015 MONTHS" menu.
V.26- Ok. I have been gone for a while. Well, I haven't been gone, I have just been...busy. Lost in my own brain. I'm finally getting things organized again. Sorry that I skipped a few months. This post is late too. I had it planned for the 1st, but something happened. Now, I'm back and here's what I did in the new update:
    • On the Main Site, there's a new button vertically floating in the bottom left corner. CLICK IT! It opens up the brand new LEFT SIDE BAR!....A HIDDEN LEFT SIDE BAR! It's more of a panel. Anyways, I have done past efforts to tidy up the site and hide all the extra things. That's why the Bottom Bar and Better Way to View panel were made. Just to hide all those extra goodies that people don't really care about. So, I moved some of the non-important things from the right side bar...in there. However, I'm doing the other bad thing of having A LOT of things floating on the screen. I made sure they are super compact and even transparent! So you can still see, but they ARE distracting. Maybe I'll work something out.
    • I started up a gaming channel with a friend! CHECK IT OUT! Upon doing that, I made a new page for it. When I was getting the links and stuff, I saw that Youtube had changed. Users no longer have a unique name in the URL. They also changed the playlists. You can have videos auto add and what not. So, I did some changes. My old ALL VIDEOS menu doesn't work anymore, so I changed it to LATEST VIDEOS. And I have a playlist that has my 200 most recent videos. EVEN BETTER, it auto adds any new video. So, I don't have too! IT'S AWESOME! This change better effects the menu.
    • SOMEONE SAY MENU? Once again, on my Main Site I have...this menu. It was the most challenging thing I made back in December 2010. Well, I didn't make it. I use a lot of free codes from code sites. But getting it to work was SO HARD! And then FILLING IT IN WITH STUFF! Over the years it has evolved into what it is today. A place where you can find EVERYTHING about me and my sites. I want to give it a REALLY good update. Like rebuild it with a better code or something. But all my efforts have failed. When I put my things into a new menu, things break or the over lapping issue comes back. It's like, my things only work in my AWESOME menu. So, why change. I'll still keep trying, but for now...it's fine. 
    • HOWEVER! That doesn't mean I didn't do anything! I cleaned up the inside again. Fixed some <li> errors and EVER MORE TYPOS that I missed. 
    • While I was at it, I decided to re-arrange some things. I COMPLETELY MOVED the Site Updates section from "MY STUFF" to the "UPDATE BLOGS"! It seems like a more logical place for it since it is...and update blog
    • While doing that, I was looking at my updates and how I navigate the menu. I didn't like having to move down the list of years to get to the most recent year. So, I REVERSE ORDERED THEM! Instead of 2010-2015, it goes 2015-2010. I liked that MUCH BETTER! I liked it so much, I did it to the Monthly Updates as well. 
    • Also, when adding the new GAMING CHANNEL, I re-organized the VIDEOS section in the menu. It took out the Youtube widget because it's not supported anymore and replaced them with LATEST VIDEOS sections. Now, they auto update with any new video and they have the latest 200 videos instead of just being one video. It's a nice upgrade and less work for me!
    • Lastly, I added my Deviant Art page to the menu. In the "PHOTO STUFF" and "PROFILES" sections. CHECK IT OUT!
  • Daily Fun Facts...
    • On my blog, I added this thing at the top. Depending on what day it is, it'll show content for that day. It can be random things like what it was. But I wanted to take it farther. I looked up each day of the month in July on Wikipedia to find interesting events that happened. So, that's what I did. I find an event and say how I feel about it. It's really cool!
    • I wanted to add it EVERYWHERE! But...it didn't work right. The only place it worked just fine was the Main Site. So, I put it there as well.
  • A Better Way to View...
  • Lastly, the little things...
    • When I moved the Newsy Letter sign up into the left panel, I updated it a little bit. I made all the links and things open in the Animated Window.
    • No more snow! It'll be back next Christmas.
    • And then I did some changes to the floating things. Like I said, there's a lot. I had them be a little bit transparent as a cool effect. So, I want you to be able to see. So, I made them EVEN MORE transparent! From 80% visible, to 50%. The Floating Links in the top right still won't go transparent. They are more touchy than the other floating things. But you can at least hide it by clicking the close arrow.
OK! THAT'S ALL! It was a good comeback update. I fixed things that broke while I was gone, I added new things, blah blah. Overall, things turned out good. I don't know what I'm going to do now. Codes are getting scarce. There's nothing really new that I WANT! I'm sure I'll find something!! COME BACK NEXT MONTH!
On the HOME PAGE are the latest changes throughout my sites. CLICK HERE to see the past changes.


So, it's been six years. Wow. Time has went by. I looked back at all the past Year videos. You can see me change. It was strange. I was all happy about everything and then...I changed.
Anyways, I updated the sites with the proper Six Years stuff. That's really I did. I haven't had time to work on anything. There's nothing new to add tot he sites anyways. They are perfect.
And then, I made a special video. There is also a blog post, but all it said was to watch the video. Click the thumbnail below to watch it.
And that's it. It's been a fun Six Years...and it's not the last. I just need to change me again.
On the HOME PAGE are the latest changes throughout my sites. CLICK HERE to see the past changes.


CLICK HERE to go back to the past changes "2015 MONTHS" menu.
V.25-Some new things were finally added! Not a lot though. I'm still having issues with time management. I just don't have time anymore to do thinks. So...I'll make some. But that's for a later. Here's what I did for this update:
  • The NEW Better Way to View...
    • Back in the day, I added this section at the top of the site. It described how the site needed to be at a certain width and it needed special set settings that your browser had to have to make sure the site works properly. It was a long paragraph just taking up space. So, I hid it in a fancy collapsible panel. I like fancy and what not, but I also try to make this super simple in the code. The old panel had complex JS codes and what not. That takes a little power to load. So, I looked into way of achieving the same effect with a simple code. Thus, the new BWTV was born. I found a free code that did the same effect, but it's running on pure CSS code that's easy to load. I does look and act different, but it's achieving the same effect. Being a collapsible panel, but in a better way. I like it.
  • The NEW Image Comparer...
    • On my blog, I do this thing were I compare the before and after of my pictures. The main comparer has gone through many changes. It's gotten to the point of perfection. So, it's time for a new way. It's a slider that you move around. You can look at the two photos half and half or any way you want. Go to the debut post to actually see it. It's hard to describe.
  • The NEW Daily Content Panel...
    • Also on my blog, up at the top, I added this interesting thing. Depending on what day of the month it is, it'll display a message only on that day. When it's February 2nd, I'll have it say a message about that day. A fun fact or something. Mostly it was about Groundhog Day. But I can do that for any day. The code is set to detect the day 1 through 30. So that's 30 different messages. I might just add it to all my sites. BECAUSE IT'S COOL!!!
  • The NEW Hover Menu...
    • At the top of the Main Site, above the BWTV section, is the Hover Warnings. It's a section of text that provides a help link if things look weird on the site. When you scroll past them at the top of the site, they'll stick to the top of the screen. They are always with. Now, that HELP link isn't just a link. It's go a menu hidden inside it. That's the Hover Menu. You hover over the link and it appears. I decided to give it a touch u as well. The new one is a little bit simpler in the code. But that's not why I picked it. It's much more stable now. The old one had a few issues. HOWEVER! There's a catch to the deal. The new menu DOES NOT work when the Hover Warnings are....hovering. Would only work when they are still docked at the top of the site. So, I was forced to still keep the old menu for when they are hovering. That gives you a chance to compare the two at least.
  • Refreshment? They're FREE!
    • I did my usual fixing typos and code errors. But I do those so fast that I forget to write them down.
    • However, I remember the Main Menu getting a good load of fixes. I went through a cleaned up a few things inside the code. Reorganized the <div>'s blah blah, that kind of stuff. Nothing to big.
  • Lastly....Google Chrome...
    • Lately, Chrome updated. And now some things on the sites aren't working right. Mainly, the scrolling marques. They load differently and the speed buttons don't work. Thanks a lot Google. :-\
And...that's it. There was some interesting things added. I'll try to add more. The next update might not be a X.5 update. I want to add new things. I'll just jump to V.26. That is....if I can find anything to add.
On the HOME PAGE are the latest changes throughout my sites. CLICK HERE to see the past changes.


CLICK HERE to go back to the past changes "2015 MONTHS" menu.
V.24.5.5-And here we go. My first off cycle update. My cycle was one month is update X. Then the next month is X.5 where I fix the bugs from the new things in the X update. Well, I have had a rough December. I got the flu for a week, then pneumonia another week. We had Christmas things to do...blah blah.... I just didn't have time to do anything. I even looked through my codes and found nothing to add. The only thing I did was update the things from V.24.5. So, this update is in the middle. Here's the little things I did:
  • 2015!!!
    • I updated all Update Blogs and Site Changes...Sites in all the menus with 2015 stuff. Same thing with the Monthly Updates.
    • All that took up most of my time. There was a lot of 2015's to add!
  • No more Christmas lights... :-(
    • Yes, the lights are gone because Christmas is. However, the snow effect is still available.
Sorry to say this....but that's all I did. :-\ I running out of time and things to add and update. It's all perfect....almost. We'll see what happens next month!
On the HOME PAGE are the latest changes throughout my sites. CLICK HERE to see the past changes.


Click one of the months below to see the changes.
CLICK HERE to go back to the past changes "YEARS" menu. 
You can also CLICK HERE to view ALL updates from 2015.

January           February           March
April         May         June          July
August         September         October
November                December