HEY!!! This website is getting old and out of date. Sorry about that. I'm going to college right now, so I'm just too busy to do anything here. I am thinking about taking some web design/development classes. I love web stuff, this site is a result of that. So, maybe when I'm done I'll use my new skills to update this place! We'll see!!! Only time will tell.

On the HOME PAGE are the latest changes throughout my sites. CLICK HERE to see the past changes.


CLICK HERE to go back to the past changes "2015 MONTHS" menu.
V.29- So...This update was supposed to be small. Just adding the Christmas stuff and getting ready for the new year. But, I added a few new things. It's not a long list of stuff, but it's big stuff. Enough to skip V.28.5. HERE'S WHAT I DID:
    • It's that time of the year! We got our tree up a few nights ago. So, it's time to put the lights on the sites. And they look nice too. I thought all the bars on the Main Site would cut things off, but it's all good. I like it.
    • I also moved the Snow Button on the Main Site. It's in the top bar like everywhere else. I also made it smaller. Instead of saying "Turn the Snow ON/OFF" it just says "Snow ON/OFF".
    • I also cut out the Christmas Music player. I didn't know where to put the button for it. I already have a lot of buttons everywhere. I'll think of something for next year.
    • Through out time, these Hover Warning of been through a lot. The Warning is the red text that floats at the top of the Main Site. I have rebuilt them many....many times. And this is no exception! They are better than ever! Rebuilt from the ground up using CSS instead of JS. CSS loads faster and is easy on computers. Now all the issues with it are gone! I had a problem with the 100% width thing. If it was setting to 100% it would block everything in the Top Bar. Now, I can make it whatever size and have no issue. It's just more stable and better! And you can't even tell!
    • However, there's a catch. I re-did the Hover Menu a while back. Well....it didn't work anymore. Oh well. I restored the old, VERY FIRST version and it works fine!
    • Also, there was this BIG empty space at the bottom of the Main Site. I don't think I have a picture of it. It was big! Just a space of nothing but black. Like something was hidden there. It was weird. I tried to figure out where it came from and gave up. It was a mystery....until now. After I updated the Warning....POOF! Gone. :-)
    • I have this menu system on the Free Rider, Update Blog, and the Site Update....Sites. It used the Hover Warning code to float! There was a problem though. The menu had to be set to 100% in order to work. And like I said, 100% in the old Warning code means the Top Bar is blocked. So, I had to make the menu float below the Top Bar. Well, now with this update tot he Warnings, I don't have to! It took a little tinkering, but it works! I was able to move the menu back up, so it's all flush with the Top Bar and not sticking out below it. I LOVE IT! I like using codes I already have for new things!
    • But you can't tell...CAN YOU! I was studying CSS! That's what this update is about. I update a few things into a more CSS based form. THUS! The Top Bar comes in. The Top Bar was made from the Bottom Bar. So, it had all that extra code that it didn't use. Well, while studying CSS, I figured out the FIXED property. "position: fixed!important;" And I also learn how to make a box. Using the fixed thing, I could but a box anywhere on the screen and have it float there....So.....why not make a white, transparent box with the height of 28px and a width of 100% float at the top of the screen! THUS! The Top Bar has been rebuilt with a super simple code. And I can put whatever I want up there and have it work! It's AMAZING! I love making things better!
    • One last total rebuild. I go through JS code sites that give you free codes to take and use. That's where the menu came from. Well, there are also CSS code sites. I look through those to find something that looks like what I already have, but made out of CSS. Which is better. That where I found the new Hover Warning and...the new Image Panels...Built from CSS. They where I bit tricky to get right. There didn't like to work. But, I have all the bugs worked out. I could do more with them now!
  • Now, the little things...
    • I removed the News Buttons. They were above the Scrolling Important News and the Scrolling Newsy News. The controlled how fast the marquees moved. However, in recent web browser updates, they didn't work anymore. So, I just removed them. I liked them... Farewell....
    • In recent tests of the Main Site, I was seeing what slows the site down from loading. Looking at the performance grade, I saw that I had a bad score in redirects. That means the site tries to load something from the wrong URL and it's redirected to the right one. That cost a few moments in load time. So, I went and fixed the bad spots. Mostly it was redirecting from HTTP to HTTPS. So, I just had to put an S in the links. Not a bad fix.
    • And lastly, some New Years Prep. I'm just getting things organized and ready to update. It takes a whole month to add all the 2016 stuff!
This was a fun update! I'm actually starting to make things! The Top Bar is mine! It's not made off of another code! I made that! I'm learning more and more. Enough to expand things. Add more to it. Customize it. Like using the Hover Warning code to make the floating menus. Using things I already have for something new! I'm just happy right now. I like making things. Anyways, I'll see you and the end of the month for V.29.5. And then a week later will be V.29.5.16! V.29.5 is added the 2016 stuff, and V.29.5.16 is seeing if it all worked and making fixes. SEE YOU THEN!

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