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V.31.7- There's nothing really new in this update. Today is my Seventh Year of Internetness. Here's what I did:
    • On the Main Site and the Membership site, I had images saying "Now Celebrating 6 Years of Internetness!" And when you hovered over it, the image change to another one saying "CLICK HERE to see the video!". Later on, I used that code for the image comparison on my blog.
    • Well, this year I wanted something new...but also the same. I rebuilt the whole thing. IT'S ALL MINE NOW!! The code is much more simple. And as a is now text-based. So instead of using images, it's using actual text! That means I don't have to make a new picture every year and it help with scaling. The pictures got blurry when you zoomed in. Not anymore. Everything still work as it did. It just looks different. I'm still working on getting it to look good. I might use a different font.
  • Lastly, the little things...
    • I removed the Snow Code and the button. Winter is over.
    • On the Membership site, when you hover over the CONTACT ME link in the Top Bar a form will pop in! So you don't even have to click the link! It is a little buggy though. Still so work to be done.
    • I fixed some AddThis issues in the Top Bar. The + button now works again!
And that's it. Just a quick little update. I haven't had time to work on anything. We'll see how it is at the end of the month!


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V.31- This was a small update. It was going to just be a X.5 update, but I did something big. HERE'S WHAT I DID!:
  • Hover Panel changes...
    • In the side bar on the Main Site, I have pictures for certain things. When you hover over those pictures, a panel slides in and gives you more info and links. I updated them a few months ago and it's proving to be more complicated than I thought. There were a few bugs that I finally got worked out. I'm still thinking about switching back to the old style.
  • Extra Stuff?
    • On the old Free Rider tracks site, I had a special section called Extra Stuff. It had games and random things. Well, I decided to get rid of that old site. Thus, I removed it from the Menu and the Membership site. I'll talk more about the Membership site later...
  • Scroll Bar changes...
    • Each site has their own custom scroll you're in Google Chrome. When I re-designed some sites in the last update, I forgot to make the scroll bars reflect the new colors. So, I FIXED THEM!
  • Facebook page...
    • I uploaded all my old pictures that I made BEFORE I made the page.
  • Daily Content 2.0...
    • At the top of the Main Site and my blog, I have a little spot where it tells you today's date! Sometimes, I put in random fun facts about that day in history. As of late, it has just been telling you the date. I haven't gotten around to the fun facts. It's a lot of research! There's an issue though. When the month changes, I'd forget to change it to the new month. Like tomorrow, it'll say February 1st instead of March 1st. Well, I looked into a way to fix it. And that lead to me rebuilding it completely. It is now MY CODE! I made it! I used the simplest javascript possible. So, now it's even smaller and more lightweight with its code. THE BEST PART! It'll change the months all by itself!! YES!!! I LOVE IT! I can still put in fun facts too. See what it says for today!
  • The Bottom Bar..
    • I moved it up 5 can't even tell.
Now...the big news.
  • The Membership site... REBORN!
    • That's right! I make a list of all the changes I have done, and should do. I plan things out. At the top it has said "UPDATE MEMBERSHIP SITE". It has said that for YEARS. I finally did something about it. It's not that I did want to work on it, it's just... I can't do anything NEW with the site. The host site is Webs and I have had issues with them. There's a stopping me from adding any new pages and their site builder is bad. But, I fought past that! Here's what I did:
      • A total re-design. I used CSS codes and fancy things to make it look new and refreshed.
      • It has its own icon. They are at the bottom of all the sites. Site I got rid of the Old Menu site in the last update, I let the Membership site take its icon!
      • The new colors of the site reflect the new icon. Which is what I did in the last update to all the other sites.
      • Re-arranged the side bar and added new things in there.
      • It has all the features of the other sites. Like the Top Bar, custom scroll bar, and other BTS codes.
      • I went through EACH PAGE and updated the words and descriptions.
      • Finished the Q&A section.
      • Added a new PHOTO GALLERY feature to go along with the VIDEOS feature.
      • Added a new CONTACT SECTION! I couldn't add the contact sections from the other sites because that's Blogger's own section. So, I looked to see if Webs had its own version. AND THEY DID! There's a link in the Top Bar at all times if you see a bug or want to say HI!
    • Overall, I basically made it look like the other sites. I made it belong with the group. It's finally where it belongs. Now, I still don't know what else to do. There isn't really much I can do. But, at least I'm showing that I still care about it. It's my SECOND oldest site. At least it fits in now.
And that's IT! My list is completely cleared. That's why this update jumped to V.31 instead of being V.30.5. It was all for the Membership site. I'm so happy. The Membership site looks great and so do the rest of the sites. See you next month! I don't know what I'm going to do! MY LIST EMPTY FOR ONCE!!!


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V.30- OK! IT'S THE BIG 3-0! This update isn't...HUGE... but it is a good New Year's refresh! Here's what I did!!:
    • If you look at the bottom of the sites, you'll see all my sites icons down there. However, the icons don't match the sites. So, I was thinking.... Mostly of the sites are gray or white, and they have been like that forever! I wanted something new! That led me to update all the icons first. Some looked the same and I wanted each to look different. Not only that, but I wanted them to reflect each site. I made the Main Site's icon more rainbow colored because I use a lot of different colors on it. The Test Site and Back site were unchanged. I didn't do anything to the design of the sites or the icons. Almost the same thing with the Old Site. I did update it's icon, but not the site. And my Blog's icon stayed the same, but I updated it's design.
    • By design, I mean the site colors. The blog started all this change. It has always been blue. A nice blue. But the same for a while. I wanted something new. I was like... "Let's toss in some red." Because that's what was in the icon. I did! And liked it! That led me to update all the icons and change all the sites.
    • Now we are left with three sites. The Update Blog, The Site Updates, and The Free Rider Tracks. Those had the BIGGEST changes. Once I got the icons done. I was like "I need to make the sites match....." and got to work. It took three days! Which isn't that long. The sites have the same background with different colors to match their icon. When I added red to the blog, I put a red gradient on the background. So, it fades from red to blue. I took that background and put it on all the sites that had a refresh. Which was just those three. All I did was shift the colors to match that site! It was complicated, but in the end.... I LOVE IT! Then I had to change the link colors, the body background, the menu colors, scroll bar colors and much more. It's beautiful! I love how they look now! Go look at each one and see what I mean!
  • No more Old Menu...
    • Now, I forgot to mention on site during all that change. The Old A whole site dedicated to my old menu. I wouldn't have my new menu without it. However, I have been wanting to get rid of it for a while. It's just a waste of space. I have been trying to get the old menu to work on the Old Site. But it wouldn't embed properly. Well, I got to the point of....I DON'T CARE! So, I stuffed the old menu on there and typed up a little note! So, now we are down to eight icons instead of nine. That might change though........... :-)
  • Tabbed Slideshow Player!
    • I made this tabbed video player for the MY VIDEOS page on the Main Site. I was thinking....."could I put that on the PHOTOS page and embed slideshows instead of videos?" So....I tried it! And to my surprise!.... IT WORKED! WHAT! So, I put the rest of the slideshows in there. But some pages have different albums. So, on the main photo page the player has the POTW and the Latest Photos embedded. Then it has links to get to the other categories. Like CATS. That has three different slideshows. So, on that page I embedded those. It's just a never ending list of Tabbed Players. :-P
    • But it worked and I like it! Go check them out!
  • New Menu Animation...
    • The menu on the Main Site has been the same for..... a while. The last appearance change I did was making the hover color a bit brighter in V.21! Well, I wanted something new. So, I looked at different animations. I have been wanted to rebuild my menu in a better way. And this one I found looked cool. I liked it's animations. But, it just wouldn't work. So, I had to stick with the one I had. I was looking at it's code, just studying. I do that a lot. The more I know, the more I can do! I noticed a part about animations, "slideUp" and "slideDown". Then I looked at the one I was trying to rebuild it off of and it said "fadeIn" "FadeOut". I was like....."hmmmm..... What if I change the 'slides' into 'fades' in the menu's code..." AND BOOM! It worked! I liked the way it looked but I wasn't sure. So, I asked my helpful Aunt if she liked it. She did. THUS! The menu now has a new animation style. I like it!
    • I often test my sites....everywhere. I use Chrome for...everything. Even on my iPad. But I still have everything else, just for testing reasons. I test them in Opera, Internet Explorer, I've added the new Microsoft Edge to the list, even Safari on the iPad. And not only that, but I have all those on different versions of OS as well. We only have Window 10 and Vista though. My little laptop of XP died. :-\ But that means different IE versions. Like everything work in IE11 on my Win10 laptop. However, the basement computer has Vista and IE9. NOTHING WORKS! That led to the creation of the IE checker. So, I do a lot of testing! 
    • When I got to Firefox... something was wrong.... The Bottom Bar.... WAS GONE! POOF! WHAT! WHY! Upon inspection, I found out that it's not gone. FF just loads it below the screen! The Bar has this "peek amount" setting. It tells the Bar how much it should stick up from the bottom of the window. I guess FF ignores that rule. I tested the on both computers and came to the same result. So, that led me to make a FF checker explaining the issue. Just like the IE checker. I'll work on getting the Bar to work so I don't have to do that!
    • And not only that, but in the IE checker I suggest better browsers to use instead of IE. One of them was...Firefox. So, I changed that to Opera! I like Opera. It's gotten better over the years. I just don't use it because EVERYTHING is in Chrome.
  • No More Lights...
    • Yep, the Christmas lights are gone. Sad face. But the snow is still there! Look in the TOP BAR for the snow button!
  • Lastly...TESTS!
    • I was testing new things to do in my NEW YEARS REFRESH!
    • I tested a new custom video player. Like for my blog. It's was blue and looked cool, but I didn't go with it. I liked where I'm at. Maybe in the future.
    • I tried to rebuild the BWTV section again. But, I learned it was perfect the way it is.
    • And then I tried to rebuild the Bottom Bar in a simpler way. But, I failed. Then I tried to clean out more of its code...and broke it. So, I guess it's perfect the way it is as well!
And that's it! It was a good start to the new year! I still have some bugs to work out with the new colors. Making sure EVERYTHING looks nice and works. If you see a problem, tell me! I have contract forms in the side bars of all the sites. I'm already starting on the next update. I don't know what new things it'll add, but right now it's focusing on something that I haven't mentioned in a while. Something that I haven't forgotten about. See you then!


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