HEY!!! This website is getting old and out of date. Sorry about that. I'm going to college right now, so I'm just too busy to do anything here. I am thinking about taking some web design/development classes. I love web stuff, this site is a result of that. So, maybe when I'm done I'll use my new skills to update this place! We'll see!!! Only time will tell.

On the HOME PAGE are the latest changes throughout my sites. CLICK HERE to see the past changes.


CLICK HERE to go back to the past changes "2014 MONTHS" menu.
V.24.5-This one is a small one. I just don't have any time anymore...It does add a little bit more from V.24. Here's what I did:
    • I said I was going to add them. :-P There nothing new with the lights themselves. I was going to update them with a new image, but I could find a good enough one to fix it. We'll have to see for next year.
    • I also updated the snow code. It's the update I did a year ago. That's when I renamed everything and squished it all one code. It's also when I added support. I'm happy to finally see the whole code running. It looks awesome.