HEY!!! This website is getting old and out of date. Sorry about that. I'm going to college right now, so I'm just too busy to do anything here. I am thinking about taking some web design/development classes. I love web stuff, this site is a result of that. So, maybe when I'm done I'll use my new skills to update this place! We'll see!!! Only time will tell.

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V.24.5-This one is a small one. I just don't have any time anymore...It does add a little bit more from V.24. Here's what I did:
    • I said I was going to add them. :-P There nothing new with the lights themselves. I was going to update them with a new image, but I could find a good enough one to fix it. We'll have to see for next year.
    • I also updated the snow code. It's the update I did a year ago. That's when I renamed everything and squished it all one code. It's also when I added support. I'm happy to finally see the whole code running. It looks awesome.
On the HOME PAGE are the latest changes throughout my sites. CLICK HERE to see the past changes.


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V.24-This update is another small one. I just don't have that much time anymore for anything HUGE. But, this update does have some big changes. Here's what I did:
  • Much Ads...Such wow...
    • Yes, I'd thought I'd never see the day. But, across all my Blogger sites, I have ads. I'm just experimenting. I have always wanted to see how much I'd actually get. There are ads on my videos as well. They are just EVERYWHERE! If nothing happens, I'll remove them.
    • Because of this, I removed the "AD BLOCK" paragraph in the BWTV section. It basically said that Ad Block impacts loading times. And since I have no ads, why have it running!! But I have ads now, so.....yeah.
On the HOME PAGE are the latest changes throughout my sites. CLICK HERE to see the past changes.


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V.23- This is a little update. I just didn't have time to work on anything. But, I did manage to do some new things. Here's what I did:
  • A New Menu System... 
    • On the Update Blog, I added a brand spankin' new menu. The first of it's kind. Well, it's been done before...But not on my sites. It's a new single tier menu. It's doesn't have any long drop down lists. It's all in a line. It's simple and compact. I love it. Not only that, it has an extra feature.
On the HOME PAGE are the latest changes throughout my sites. CLICK HERE to see the past changes.

An Update...

We were so busy with the move last month that I didn't have time to do anything to the sites. Now that things are settling down, I'll get back into working on things. My sites are at the point where...they really don't need any work. They are perfect. I'm sure I'll find something. The next update will skip to 23.5 because this one would have been 23. But my semi-OCD won't let me be behind one month...So, I'll just add new stuff and work out all the issues right away. :P SEE YOU THEN!!
On the HOME PAGE are the latest changes throughout my sites. CLICK HERE to see the past changes.


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V.22.5- This is a good sized X.5 update. There's a lot of refinements for the stuff I added in Version 22, but there's also so extra updates everywhere else. Here's what I did:
On the HOME PAGE are the latest changes throughout my sites. CLICK HERE to see the past changes.


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V.22- This was a decent update. It's pretty big. There's some interesting new things that are really cool. Here's what I did:
  • The NEW Bottom Bar...
    • I'm proud of this. I spent a week trying to get this one to work out right. Ever since I got burned by my last bottom bar, I wanted another one. I searched for a month, then....I saw it. I started coding it and tried to pop it on the Test Site....it didn't work. :-\ BUT THAT DIDN'T STOP ME! I looked into why it wasn't working. It was inside the code. So, I Googled if anyone fixed the issue...and SOME ONE DID!! I followed what they did and BOOM! it worked!! I was so happy. I worked a few more days on it. I heavily customized everything and it slowly transformed in the Bottom Bar that's on the Main Site. It wasn't what I wanted it to be, but it's something. I took the entire bottom of the Main Site and stuffed it in there. The clocks, Site Version Check and more. I left the favicons and the copyrights alone. I like it. I'm cleaning up the clutter and stuffing it into collapsible panels. It's nice! 
  • Transparency Takeover...
On the HOME PAGE are the latest changes throughout my sites. CLICK HERE to see the past changes.


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V.21.5- This is a big X.5 update. Usually they just refine things and at least add one new thing. This one has three new things, and they are big things. But, there are still the refinements from THE EPIC Version 21. Here's what I did:
On the HOME PAGE are the latest changes throughout my sites. CLICK HERE to see the past changes.


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V.-21 This one is just epic. This is the biggest update in a while and that's not going by the significance of the changes like in Version 20. There are so many new things added in this update that I have been working on. I have a stack of 80 bookmarked codes just waiting to be added. So, I went through and saw what I could do. Most of them are only added in one spot, but they could branch off into other places. They are in their testing runs right now. Since there is so much, I'm just going to shorten things up and just state the changes. No long stories. Here's the long list of what I did:
On the HOME PAGE are the latest changes throughout my sites. CLICK HERE to see the past changes.


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V.20.5- This one is nothing but a refinement of the Version 20 update. When you change and tweak a bunch of codes, there's always a few bloopers here and there. Here's what I did:
  • The refinements that I knew I had to do...
    • I mention at the end of V.20 that I knew I had a lot of fixes to do with all the changes that happened. Well, it's true.
On the HOME PAGE are the latest changes throughout my sites. CLICK HERE to see the past changes.


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V.20- This one is epic. To celebrate my FIVE YEARS of Internetness, this update is the biggest update to the sites since the Super June Updates. It's not a long list of changes, but it's what the changes are about that make them important. Here's what it's all about:

We'll start with the little things...
    • All the new Five Years Banners and things have been added. I didn't change anything else. Just whatever said Four Years.
On the HOME PAGE are the latest changes throughout my sites. CLICK HERE to see the past changes.


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V.19- This one's a small but big one again. There's not really much I can do. I'm running out of new ideas that would help my sites. I'll keep trying. Anyways, let's move on to the update details:
  • The Tabbed Video Menu...
    • On Mine and The Father's video pages, I have something I have wanted for a while. Ever since I had the video pages, I knew that the players would get full. 
On the HOME PAGE are the latest changes throughout my sites. CLICK HERE to see the past changes.


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V.18.5- This is just a little update. Loads of little adjustments everywhere. The biggest thing isn't even on the sites anymore. Here's what I did:
  • The new Christmas lights and snow code!
    • I know what you're thinking. "What lights and snow?" Well, for a while I wanted something simple. Just a that turns the snow on, and off. Simple. I researched from day one. Never found an answer.
On the HOME PAGE are the latest changes throughout my sites. CLICK HERE to see the past changes.


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